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Use it!
You've got a voice, kid.
catch up!
Fight Club
The Character Cesar Rosales is a natural performer. He can make the most mundane task funny. When taking individual class photos one day,...
Changing the Narrative Ep. 2 From Fairytale to Feminism: A Black Girl in 3 Acts
Well this is timely, eh? Last week was difficult for women (understatement). Luckily I had the voices of these charming, inspiring, young...
Changing the Narrative Episode 1-The Urban Entrepreneur
Who are you? This episode is about confidence. Knowing who you are, where you've been and where you are going. Zeno, one of our resident...
Changing the Narrative
What a summer it's been! This blog space has been on radio silence (internet silence?) since we announced our big grant news. That's...
The California Arts Council is "Changing the Narrative"
We have great news! The California Arts Council has just announced they will fund 'Changing the Narrative,' our collaboration with The...
Money Isn't Everything...
...In fact, we just finished our Data Arts profile (a vetting profile for endowments and grantors) and were blown away by just how much...
Holy Moly, Connectopod is on a roll!
So here, then, is a very listy post to help you keep up with all of our connecto-happenings. 1. Our regular team is winding down for...
The Great 'Yes! and...'
Butterflies. Yesterday, we started a new project with Alora Herbst and her 1st-3rd grade class of all boys at Haskell Steam Magnet. She...
Failure is the Only Option!
A clandestine Sunday meeting with meme dealer, Gabe Evans. Fearless! How do you go from "How to Batman" to media mogul at Jukin Media by...
Why, Pod, Why?
In this age of YouTube stars, FB Live and the Instagram image free for all, we are often asked why we teach kids to podcast rather than...
Holy Moly. We Did It!!
Newscast I mean uh, team, Week 1! Have you ever started something, then been absolutely terrified? From my experience with...
All the Summer Camp Deets for Connectopod & iWONDER STEM TECH 2017
Connectopod is an ongoing youth podcast. This is our summer project for grades 1-6. Each week’s shows will be posted on...
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